Lowell Park

Lowell Park
While we may all know the familiar icons of Stillwater such as the paddlewheelers, the bridge, the commander building and others, did you know that there used to be a fountain by the riverfront? In the past, Lowell Park used to sport a sunken garden much like this one. At one time a train engine was parked near the garden and many summer days were spent by kids in the area climbing on the huge engine. The sunken garden sported a beautiful fountain, and kids remember feeding corn to the carp in the fountain-fish that were likely taken from the river and tossed into it as a prank. Unfortunately several large floods contributed to the demise of the park as it was, and after the levy was built it was never replaced. This is similar to what it would have looked like.
This is just a small glimpse into some of the icons who shaped this community. More information can be found on each of them online or at the Washington County Historical Society